Private Settlement Conference
Divorce Solutions from An Accomplished Sacramento Divorce Attorney
A divorcing couple may opt for a private settlement conference over a traditional public courtroom divorce. It is often far more efficient to settle a divorce in a private settlement conference than a public court, keeping all of your personal information within the confines of a conference room. These private settlement conferences can either be mandatory or voluntary. Attorneys for the couple detail the important issues for both spouses, and Julia facilitates a discussion and ultimate agreement of those issues.
The Benefits of Private Settlement Conferences
Why complete your divorce through a private settlement conference?
- You choose dates and times that fit your calendar and workload.
- You avoid the sometimes-lengthy delays caused by the court's calendar.
- You benefit from the guidance of an experienced mediator who is not only knowledgeable in family law but is focused on helping you reach an agreement of all issues in your divorce.
- You make your own decisions and control the outcome.
- You avoid the cost, time, stress and uncertainty of a trial.